HomeSquare 2.0.0
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.5.1 -> 2.0.0 (iTunes)
全港最大的一站式家居主題商場HomeSquare隆重推出全新iPhone App,助你籌劃品味家居之餘,更於7月7日至20日期間,推出革命性「App-buying」功能,42款「第四屆家居折」必搶特價家具家品將於每天上午10時、中午12時及6時限時推出。即時下載 驚喜滿載!**免費下載** 功能簡介:- 香港家居折- 家具一覽 - 家居統籌- 電子優惠券- 家 · 頻道As the largest one-stop shopping mall for home furnishing in Hong Kong, HomeSquare is proud to present its brand new iPhone App! In addition to helping you plan your stylish home, it will also launch a revolutionary “buying” function from 7 to 20 July 2013. During this period, the app will feature up to 42 items of home living products available at unbeatable discounts at 10am, noon and 6pm every day. Download now to experience the endless surprises!**FREE DOWNLOAD** Functionalities: - Smart Buy Weeks- Catalogue- Home Planner- eCoupon- Home Channel
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全新設計香港家居折家居統籌家 · 頻道New DesignSmart Buy WeeksCatalogueHome Channel