KleuterPret 1.0.2
Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 (iTunes)
Kleuter Pret is an Afrikaans language educational iPad App designed for 3-5 year olds with the aim to develop school readiness skills in a fun and playful manner.There are various skills that are developed through the Kleuter Pret App activities like fine motor skills, cognitive development, perceptual developments, language skills, vocabulary knowledge, mathematical skills, midline crossing, and it improves concentration.Different themes have been developed to teach the toddler more about a theme and can be purchased through In-App purchases. Each theme consists of eight different school readiness activities. • Picture Flashcards• Follow the line• Letter Exercise• Shape Activity• Match and Connect• Write Words• Number Flashcards• Memory GameIncluded in the free App is the School theme and In-App purchases are available for the following themes:• Wild animals• Transport• Beach• FarmWe are far from done with this App and are planning lots of themes and new activities for future releases.---Kleuter Pret is ‘n Afrikaanse opvoedkundige iPad App wat ontwerp is vir 3-5 jariges kleuters met die doel om skoolgereedheidsvaardighede op ‘n pret en speel manier te ontwikkel.Daar word ‘n verskeidenheid vaardighede ontwikkel deur die Kleuter Pret App se aktiwiteite soos fynmotoriese ontwikkeling, kognitiewe ontwikkeling, perseptuele ontwikkeling, taalvaardigheid, woordeskatkennis, wiskunde vaardighede, middellyn kruising en dit bevorder konsentrasie.Verskillende tema’s is ontwikkel om die kleuter meer te leer oor ‘n tema en kan deur In-App Purchases aangekoop word. Elke tema bestaan uit agt verskillende skoolgereedheidsaktiwiteite:• Prentjie Flitskaarte• Volg die lyn • Letter Oefening • Vorm Aktiwiteit • Pas en Verbind• Skryf Woorde• Getal Flitskaarte• Geheue SpeletjieIngesluit by die gratis App is die Skool tema en In-App Purchases is beskikbaar vir die volgende tema’s:• Wilde diere• Vervoer• Strand• PlaasOns is lank nie klaar met hierdie opwindende App nie, ons het nog ‘n klomp tema’s en aktiwiteite wat in die ontwikkelingsproses is.
What's New
- Fixed a bug where in app purchase might cause the app to crash- Fixed a bug where retrieval of online themes might cause the app to crash- Minor bug fixed and improvementsMore themes coming soon, please stay tuned!