EmpireHonor 1.1
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Social Networking
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.3 -> 1.1 (iTunes)

VuHunt: A fun geo-social real-life Risk strategy game on top of the world. Your life is the game!VuHunt is a fun quirky Augmented Reality social game. It blends the virtual world with the real world via objects and locations. It lets you:* compete to dominate your city* explore & checkin at places you visit, or are curious about* meet friends who share your interests * connect with childhood friends sharing stories within your school* make your mark on the Eiffel tower or the Statue of Liberty by uploading photos/videos to that castle's gallery* share your life's interests and activities in a cool visual way that remains engraved forever in the places/locations you've snapped them at.* VuHunt is the only location-aware game that lets you hide your real location. You can build castles/villas in Paris, or battle friends for places in Madrid all while sitting at home in SF. Whether your goal is world domination, or socializing, you'll find the VuHunt world fascinating and rewarding.* BUILD A COOL EMPIREEarn the highest honor titles such as Emperor of the US, or Prince of Paris while collecting wealth and earning great real-life rewards. To start building your empire, first you need to choose your home base, which could be the town you live in, or a town you visit frequently. This home base affects your travel cost if you try to conquer remote castles. You can have colonies far way, but the first castle you conquer will have a steep travel cost. A neat idea is to purchase a Unicorn to help you travel cheaply.* CONQUER YOUR FRIENDS CASTLESTo conquer a castle, you simply keep zooming into the map until you see the castle level. You tap the castle, and you have to do the challenge. There are currently 5 types of challenges. Photo/Video upload that has a specific object, landmark, or scene. Checkin, Text Quiz, or Image Quiz. You are rewarded with VuHunt $ for each castle you conquer. Each castle has revenue and upkeep, hence the longer you own the castle, the more Vu$ you accumulate. You can only conquer castles owned by players of equal or lower rank than yourself. If you are a newbie your rank is a Knight, therefore, you can only conquer castles owned by other Knights.If you are a wealthy player, you can use a dynamite to blow up the castle, irrespective of the rank of the owner, without doing the challenge! * PROTECT YOUR EMPIREOnce you conquered a castle you can replace the challenge with a higher difficulty challenge to make it harder for enemies to take it away from you. At higher levels, when you have enough wealth to have guard battalions, you can add another tower to protect the castle with 2 challenges. * ADD YOUR FAVE PLACES TO THE WORLDYou can contribute a castle at your favorite locations by clicking the add castle button. You choose the location and the challenge. Your name will be credited as the Founder of the castle forever! and you are rewarded with Vu$ for each castle you build! * SHARE PHOTOS/VIDEOS/GEMS Within PLACESYou can also contribute photos, stories and jewels into any castle without having to conquer it.This is an awesome way to network and share with local people at places you are interested in and perhaps plan to visit in the near future.* COMPETE AGAINST FRIENDS, TEAM-UP OR JUST WATCHFollow other players, browse/like/comment on their photo and video uploads and checkins. Battle them real-time 1on1 at your favorite neighborhood.* REAL LIFE REWARDSVuHunt offers you real-life rewards and deals that you can use in your daily life. Legal Notice: Apple is not a sponsor of any Kiip reward or promotion.Questions? feedback? We'd love to hear from you at support@vufind.comor post on our facebook fanpage.http://www.facebook.com/vuhuntWe hope you enjoy this beautiful world. Conquer away!
What's New
* New name* Signup & attack bug fixes